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Sunday afternoon, a chlorine gas leak at the Knollwood Foss Swim School sickened 40 to 50 children and adults. Eleven were transported to the hospitals according to the Minneapolis Tribune. The Hopkins Hazardous Materials Team and other emergency personnel responded to the situation.

From the channel 9 Website:

The business owner describes the incident as “small chlorine spill.” None of the injuries are described as serious.

There chlorine spill was in a room adjacent to the pool. Children in the area were coughing and some were vomiting.

As people opened the outside doors to air out the chlorine fumes, the cold above the heated pool caused fog to form over the pool. Many thought that fog was part of the chemical vapors, but instead was water vapor.

Gas exposure can damage the eyes, skin, throat or lungs. If it should happen to you or your family immediate medical attention should be sought.

My kids swam there for years and always liked the place and all of those that work there. Hopefully, the problem will be fixed quickly and all of those that were injured will heal quickly.

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