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A 19 year old woman has been charged with distracted driving and 21 other counts of criminal operation after driving through a stop sign and into a school bus.  In the few seconds it takes to look at the phone you travel the length of a football field.

Thankfully,  no one was killed.  Reports indicate that many were injured from age 5 to the 52 year old bus driver.  Their lives were affected by a needless act that could have been dealt with before the trip , hands free , at the end of the trip , or never at all because face it , how important could a Snapchat message be????

It’s time to quit putting people at risk.  It’s time to prosecute this crimes and use the civil system better. The Minnesota Legislature should look at expanding the area of presumptive punitive damages beyond drinking and driving.  We at Bradshaw and Bryant have made this a mission.  Put the phone down and pay attention to the road.

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