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We usually suggest that you talk to a qualified, experienced attorney right after an accident. The advice is free and it gives you a chance to understand what your rights are. You don’t have to hire them or pay any money up front. For most people, this is the first time they have been in an accident and other than counting on an insurance adjuster to cover your possible claims, there is very little that you can rely on.

I met with a young man who had decided to wait on his claim. During that time one of his statues of limitations had run out and another one was very close. With those statues running out, he was forever barred from bringing the claim and he had no way of knowing it. If he would have waited a couple more weeks he would have had no claims at all.

Make sure you ask the important questions:

How much time do I have?

What can you do that would make a difference in making my claim?

Why do I need a lawyer?

On top of the questions I’ve written about in the past. Make sure you know what is involved and what your rights are.

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