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The Minnesota Department of Public Safety did a deep dive into the collision data from 2016 and 2022 and found Woodbury had 4800 collisions in those 6 years.  In the numbers, they found one third took place at the same place.   They went beyond that , to identify the top five sights for collisions.

Everyone who lives there should review the list.   The schools in the area should have speakers come in and talk about these places.   A combination of awareness and education would go a long way to not only reduce the number of future collision , but also create defensive drivers in that area.   Maybe,  if each drive took a little more time and stayed alert the numbers would reduce.

The idea behind what we do is to make people safer.   So that everyone gets home intaked.

If you, your family, or someone you know is in an accident, it is worth taking the time to sit down and talk to an experienced law firm with success in helping people who are injured through no fault of their own. The consultations are free and it allows you to figure out what rights you have after an injury.

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