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I was reading the different thoughts about the withdrawal of a job offer to former Governor Candidate Tom Emmer from the Hamline University Business School. The speculation was that due to of his views, he wasn't a good fit for the school. It looks like the school had the right to make that choice. I'm sure most pro-business conservatives would see that.

It also is clear that Emmer has said a number of things that would affect how others would view him. You simply can't single out a group as un-American and not expect them to be bothered by that. I am looking forward to the next time I see him to ask what the heck was he thinking.

That all being said, the students really could have benefited from time with him. He is an articulate advocate who can bring a ton of real life experience to the classroom. The best way for a school to produce the best prepared student is to make sure that they get an opportunity to get some real world exposure along with all of the theory most schools are built on.

I'm sure there will be a "getting used to him" time period for any place he goes. But, that's a part of what makes him successful and allowed him to have the type of career he's had to this point. I've disagreed with much of what he has done, but the question is "Would he bring something to the classroom"?

Emmer was a defense attorney I usually enjoyed dealing with. He knows how to try a case and how to value cases. He also has had experience in trial, arbitrations, and with simple motions that would add to the education of any future lawyers. Hamline missed the boat by at least not giving him a chance to share those experiences. Hopefully, there will be others who will see that.

Correction: I originally misidentified the school involved as being the Law School, but a reader was quick to point out that it was the Business School that had made the offer. I am sorry for the mistake , but stand by my belief that a opportunity was missed for the students. Maybe a law school will benefit.

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