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It is not unusual that  we represent clients who are mothers and we see how much the injuries can change their lives. I was moved by the client that had to send her child to foster care, after she had surgery. It was a horrible time for even the short 3 weeks. There is also the client that forever  couldn’t pick up her Grandchildren .

Other times, we represent families who have lost their mother. It is heartbreaking to talk to family members about their loss. But,  there can be some special memories check out this great post:

Write a Letter or Make a Video to your Kids: What My Clients Have Taught Me about Mother’s Day, Valerie Yarashus |

On this day I think it’s fitting to post one of the poems that I sometimes use as a part of those cases:


Mom, we miss you so very much
On every Mother’s Day;
And not just then, but every minute,
Since you went away.

You were the center of our lives
Before your soul passed on;
It’s just so hard for us to believe
That you are really gone.

But we celebrate the life you lived
And all the things you gave us;
Our wonderful memories, Mom, of you
Are the things that will comfort and save us.

Please think of us, as we think of you
With hearts so full of love;
We’re looking up at you, sweet Mom,
As you look at us from above.

Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers. May it be a special day with your family.

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