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Interesting settlement.   ABC  is going to pay President to be Donald Trump ( or is it Former  President because of his last win) $15 million for his  future presidential foundation and museum and 1 million to his lawyer, because George Stephanopoulos said that the civil verdict for defimation proved that he raped E. Jean Carroll.   The reality is, that the civil  verdict only showed he defamed her and not (as a criminal could have found) that he raped her.

It is nice that his lawyers were paid.   Because , he hasn’t always paid bills.  (Has st cloud been paid for the visit yet?)  Beyond that, it is a great example of his exercising his 7th Amendment rights.   Hopefully,  he will continue to stand for peoples rights ( I am thinking of my clients rights) to bring claims.  [Side note: did you know that McDonalds was a top suing franchise when they were crying about the coffee verdict ? ]  HE sues people all the time.  Lets stop with any tort reform nonsense.

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