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Interesting in the last week we had two Priests removed as the result of claims by survivors of sexual abuse and different methods taken by those in authority:

  • Rev. Thomas Andert was removed as Prior at St. John’s Abbey.
  • Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick was removed as  pastor at Corpus Christi parish and St. Rose of Lima parish and school.

The Abbey: 

Due to the fact the allegation dates back three decades and was reported by an adult, the Abbey did not have to follow the Minnesota mandatory reporting statute. Senna said the Abbey provided the letter writer contact information for the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department and advised him of his right to make a report to law enforcement.

The Archdioceses:

The Archdiocese says it has notified law enforcement about the allegation.

Same type of claims, both involving adults at this time ,  and both happening around the same time.  One method it to let the police decide what to do under the law. The other continues to make decision that really shouldn’t be theirs.

Removals are important as they are really done to keep children safe.  Reporting to law enforcement gets the right people involved in making the decisions that must be made.

These are instances where files need to be turned over and names need to be added to the lists.  Continued examples of why the the nuisance claims are so important to the protection of society.

It is important that the message keep getting out and that those who give voice to disclosure continue to be supported and representatives of the Church truly practice a policy of zero tolerance. Secrecy and nondisclosure is what this festering scab does not need.Abuse of children and the continued silence by the offenders needs to be prevented. If you suffered, saw, or suspected such events, it is important to know that there is help out there.




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