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During the month of December, I will be looking at what is involved when a person has to deal with their no fault company following a car collision in Minnesota. Hopefully, whether you call us or not, it will help with the questions that start off right after a claim:

Keep track of your mileage and wage loss. These are items that people often think aren't important and let them go. The reality is that they are part of the coverages you have purchased. They also can build up over time and are easier to document as you suffer the loss vs. trying to figure them out later.

These answers are not intended to replace a consultation with an attorney, nor do they take into consideration facts that may differ about your particular case. Here at the Legal Examiner, we have experienced attorneys who can deal with your individual questions and best help you with your case. Feel free to get the help you need by contacting one of us.


  1. Mark Bello

    Michael: Great advice. Thanks for sharing it. The reader should also be aware that no-fault benefits and requirement differ from state to state. The reader is encouraged to learn the laws of (or contact an attorney for a free consultation in) your state. As Mike suggests, the cardinal rule is document, document, DOCUMENT! Save everything related to your accident, your medical treatment, your wages and wages loss, and any other out of pocket expenses. When in doubt, keep the item and DOCUMENT! Michael and Michael's readers: Have a safe and happy holiday season!

  2. Mike Bryant

    Very good reminder Mark, Thanks for reading and the comment.

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