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 Female hands are showing heart shape to parents on the laptop

Bradshaw and Bryant contributes to the community in many ways. For many years, we have paid for holiday Responsible Rides Home, where anyone in St. Cloud can get a free cab ride home during certain holidays. Every summer, we give away bicycle helmets to help protect kids. And, of course, we are dedicated to helping injured people and the families of people hurt or killed by negligence.

This year, even despite the pandemic, we participated again in the “Day of Action,” a national effort by lawyers across the country to help folks in need. This year, the focus was “Connecting Loved Ones.”

On September 22, Bradshaw & Bryant attorney Jodi Vickerman delivered two Amazon Echo Show video communication devices to Benet Care Center in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Benet Care Center is a Senior Living Facility founded by the Benedictine-built St. Cloud Hospital System, and is now part of Carris Health.

The Amazon Echo Show devices allow residents to send messages and make video calls simply. These devices are a lifeline for residents to keep in touch with loved ones during the pandemic.

Bradshaw & Bryant, was one of the earliest firms to join InjuryBoard over fifteen years ago, has always supported the IB community efforts. “We’ve been hearing that ‘we’re all in this together,’ for months,” said attorney Mike Bryant. “But for so many who are living in institutions, being together is no longer an option. We want our donation to help parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles connect with the people they love.”

Mike’s partner Joe Crumley added, “With mandated social distancing, we believe it’s critical for older adults who live under the greatest restrictions to stay connected with loved ones.” He continued, ” Virtual visitation plays an important role in both the health and well being of residents and their families, and video conferencing can help protect against social isolation.”

More than 50 law firms nationwide participated in this initiative.


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