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Pharmacist serving customer at drug store

Medication mistakes are one of the most common forms of malpractice. Doctors can prescribe dangerous combinations of drugs, pharmacists can fill the wrong formulas, and nurses can dispense incorrect dosages.

While affected patients are often entitled to compensation, they must put together a strong claim before they can pursue it. If you think you were the victim of prescription drug malpractice, you can give your case the best chance of success by taking the following steps:

1. Seek Adequate Care Elsewhere

Your first priority should be your health, so stay on top of your medical care. If your doctor was the one who made the error, visit another physician. Otherwise, you should be able to keep seeing the same provider. Either way, make sure to follow all medical advice until your condition has stabilized.

2. Preserve Your Medical Records

Your medical records will inevitably serve as the foundation of your claim. As such, it’s imperative that you make copies of everything and store them in a safe place. This includes hospital intake and release forms, prescriptions, diagnostic images, nursing logs, home care records, and health insurance statements.

3. Log Recoverable Damages

You’re going to have to prove that you actually incurred the damages you’re claiming. That means you need to preserve all the bills and receipts you accumulate for your injury-related expenses. If you’re unable to work while recovering from your illness, you should also save the associated paystubs logging your missed shifts.

4. Start a Personal Injury Journal

Minnesota allows for the recovery of non-economic damages, which encompass things like loss of enjoyment in life, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. The easiest—and most widely accepted—way to demonstrate the extent of such damages is with detailed journal entries.

Start writing in a journal as soon as possible after you realize one of your providers likely made a medication mistake. Record the complications you’re experiencing, as well as the physical, emotional, and practical challenges you face as a result.

5. Consult a Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Medical malpractice claims involving prescription drug errors are inherently complex. The average person doesn’t have the resources to investigate such errors, but you can be sure a reputable personal injury firm does. If you enlist help from a seasoned professional, you can focus on making a full recovery while your claim proceeds under the watchful eye of a strategic attorney.

In addition to compiling the evidence needed to prove liability and damages, your lawyer will handle all correspondence with the opposing party, total your recoverable damages, and negotiate for a fair settlement on your behalf. If the insurance adjuster ends up being uncooperative, they’ll also help you bring your case to court.

Call 800-770-7008 to Discuss Your Case with a Minneapolis Prescription Drug Malpractice Attorney

If you think you were the victim of prescription drug malpractice, turn to Bradshaw & Bryant for strategic legal counsel. Our team is equipped to go up against even the largest health care institutions. Call 800-770-7008 or fill out our Online Contact Form to set up a free case review with a prescription drug malpractice lawyer in Minneapolis.

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