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With the job market being so tough for employers it is worth spending time in prep before any interview.   You need to know what you can’t ask and what you should ask.  I came across some great advice on both topics from Andy Medici Senior Reporter, The Playbook, The Business Journals on Jan 3, 2025

Playbook for 2025: Illegal questions to avoid in job interviews this year

The potential problem questions:


Some of the most problematic topics include questions around family status, pregnancy, age and prior salaries — areas that can potentially lead to employment lawsuits.

And prep:

  1. Come up with a list of questions that are relevant to the job — not the person.

  2. Ask the same set of core questions to the applicants and score each one on how they answered the questions. Millet stressed the core questions should not get in the way of good follow-up questions about specific experiences or resume items that might be relevant to that specific person.

  3. Don’t discuss the scores or results within the group until each person has done their own scores.

  4. Compare those scores among interviewees to see who scored best.

The whole article and the entire playbook looks interesting and very much worth the read.

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